Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Lent, Sunday #2, March 4

The Change Bandits have left the building. We will be going to the Children's Hospital Friday (3/2/12) afternoon to turn in our loot. If you would like to join us, please contact Lenae.

This past week our classes (ages 2-12) discussed the season of Lent. We discovered Lent is a sad time in which we remember and prepare for the death of Jesus. We also discussed that this time is not meant to remain sad. We will rejoice together on Easter because Jesus is alive! The Elementary students also discussed Lent as a time to give up something or to start doing something good. This will create a space where we can remember what Lent is about while forming a new, good habit.

*This week we will talk about Jesus as the Good Shepherd (John 10).
*Ask your child what shepherds do.
*Why do sheep follow the shepherd?
*Talk about how we can know and follow the Good Shepherd's voice.

*This week we will discuss Jesus, the Good Shepherd (John 10).
*Ask your child about parables. What are they? Is this a parable?
*What hidden meaning can we find in the parable of the Good Shepherd?

Middle School
*Ask your child what story was read and what skit was performed (hint: the Golden Calf).
*How do they understand this story?
*NO BOOK CLUB--let's dance at 6pm in the fellowship hall!

High School
*Shall we dance? Sunday, 6pm in the fellowship hall

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