We have made our fair share of sugar cookies, decorated beautiful bags to sell those cookies in, and Waffle Shop has come and gone. Thank you, Everyone, for your help this year.
We are also now approaching the second week of Advent. I hope, by Christmas or before, all the kids will know that Advent is for watching and waiting. It is for preparing for the birth of baby Jesus.
Christmas Schedule:
Book Club is POSTPONED until January.
Saturday, Dec. 17 @ 1pm-- ALL KIDS meet at DPC in the fellowship hall to assemble gift bags for the Homeless Breakfast (12/18). We really need your help for this. Come join the fun!
Sunday, Dec. 18 Homeless/Congregational Breakfast and bag hand-out. **The JuveNiles will also be singing**
After church (12/18)--CHRISTMAS ACTIVITY--William and Lenae will take ALL KIDS (ages 6+) to Plaza Art store for FREE ORIGAMI making. We will eat pizza in the fellowship hall directly following worship. **Parents please pick up your child at Plaza no later than 3:45pm.**
Sunday, Dec. 25-- NO SUNDAY SCHOOL for any age. Nursery care will still be provided during worship.