Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 8--"Plants, Fruits, Flowers"

Nursery Work
  •  Please fill out and hand in a Parental Consent Form, available in the nursery, snack room, or as an attachment to a recent email. 
  • In conjunction with this week's lesson, I would like to propose a challenge for the DPC youth. The challenge is to bring in at least one paper item each for the DPC paper collection. In a sense, re-gifting the gifts God has given us. The following is the information provided in the e-votion:
    • "Paper Supplies & More.... Donations in July.  DPC will be collecting paper supplies during the month of July, including copy paper (especially legal size), napkins, toilet paper, paper towels, cups, plates, bowls, etc
    • As part of this year's paper collection, we are expanding the list to include coloring books, diapers (any size) and baby wipes. These are for a special Outreach project to create emergency boxes for when children are in the intake process with the Department of Human Services (DHS), being transitioned into a foster home.
Sunday School
  • "The History of the Gifts: Plants, Fruits, and Flowers"
    • Can you think of and special plants? 
    • Some plants have healing powers (herbs, vegetables, fruit).
    • Some plants are beautiful (lilacs, oak trees)
    • Can you think of a story in the Bible where Jesus provided fruit as a gift for a lot of people? 
  • We will continue to finish are from last week (we need more fish, whales, sharks, and octopuses!). We will also begin a new project.